About me

I started this blog as a way to start writing again . I was always told I was a good writer, but why ?I had a million reasons why I wanted to write again but what I found was unexpected. I had more inside than teenage poetry written before having experienced true sadness. I hope you enjoy my writing and bear with me while I experiment with flash fiction, serial novels, poetry mixed in with (hopefully) humorous stories about my real life .

Thanks for stopping by and checking my blog out . Please let me know what you think in the comments section and offer any tips , advice or even criticism . I always want to know how I’m doing and what I can do better . Don’t forget to leave your blog name and link . I want to read yours too !

20 thoughts on “About me

  1. I enjoyed your conversation post (especially bc it was terse, direct, etc.), but want to note that YOU (singular) cannot have a conversation. 😉
    Maybe you could open your posts to comments?
    I would happily email you with plenty more TIPS (as you wrote here on the about page) — LOL, and / but IDK your email address! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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